By: RingDNA
You've probably had several quarterly sales management meetings regarding 2020 sales goals at this point and have a pretty good idea as to what your group is looking for. However, to showcase your advancement in go-to-market, there are a few sales strategy approaches that need to be updated if you haven't already.
Below are some tactics you should replace old thought processes with:
Ditch TAM - Use ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)
Qualify deals with YOUR standards, not the newest BANT, ANUM, etc.
Don't cannibalize next quarter for the current - Add these lead sources
This infographic provides more details into the approaches above. We will also follow up with an eBook describing these tactics in detail after you download.
It's a BIG word
I'm Al Rossi, founder of Sellico Consulting. The goal of Sellico Consulting is, through sales mentoring and training is to help companies and people move to the next level in their sales success, productivity and profitability. We act as a sales mentor and sales trainer for your company and/or your clients as a sub-contractor and/or supplement to your existing team.
Are you satisfied with your current sales performance? If not, let's schedule a FREE exploratory call in order to discuss how we can help your organization meet your sales expectations, goals and objectives. Please visit Sellico Consulting Calendar to schedule a phone conversation that fits your schedule.
Sellico Consulting specializes in five (5) consulting areas:
43+ Years Experience in Information Technology Sales
43+ Years Sales & Business Development Experience
18+ Years Sales Management Experience
15+ Years CRM Experience (Zoho & Salesforce)
15+ Years E-rate Experience
Please visit the following sites to getting a better picture of Sellico Consulting
Looking forward to a positive response.
Al Rossi-Founder Sellico Consulting